Monday, December 7, 2020

Power Automate - Sharepoint access considerations

When we use sharepoint related actions on Power Automate, we may come across any of the below situations. 

1. Lists / libraries with more than 12 complex columns like people picker / lookup / choice etc cant be queried in one go. Could be in a trigger / action like get item or Update item too.

Need to create a View by limiting the number of columns required for our execution and use it in these actions.  We can also use HTTP rest APIs.

2. If flow trigger is on item / file properties update and we have action to update current item, this may become infinite loop as the update item in flow logic would trigger another instance of flow.

We need to use trigger conditions to restrict flow execution. We may go by some logic for status column or so. Or, can create a dedicated account for flows and filter by editor field with this account Or, can create a datetime, FlowRunDate and use it while updating on flow and use this in trigger condition. 

@not(contains(triggerBody()['Editor']?['DisplayName'],'<<account name>>'))


3. Update / set Hyperlink column, no option to set description.

4. Using date / datetime fields in filters is different as below

DateField eq '2020-07-23'

DateTimeField le '2020-07-23T23:59:59Z' and DateTimeField ge '2020-07-23T00:00:00Z'

5. Columns created in a list, but not added to any content type cant be fetched directly through trigger.

Create a view with all the required columns and refer it in the trigger action.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sharepoint Online - Set a user as SCA using Rest API

In order to set a user / Security group as a Site Collection administrator, we can use Rest API. 

Below is the Post call, with request body details
 //Rest URI  
   "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose",  
   "content-type": "application/json; odata=verbose"  
 { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.User"},  
  "LoginName": "<<Login Name>>",  
we are actually setting the IsSiteAdmin flag to true, if we want to remove SCA, we can set it to false.

Note: If the site already has this user, it will update the existing user