Monday, December 7, 2015

Set few Fields read only in Quick Edit of a Sharepoint (2013) List view.

You can set few fields as read-only in a Quick edit / Datasheet mode of a List view through Sharepoint designer. Follow below steps to achieve it.

  1. Create a List view with all the required fields (Including Read only and editable fields) and by applying required filters 
  1. Now, open the List in sharepoint designer and edit the Newly created list view file in 'Advanced Mode'. You can do it be right clicking on the View Name in the List
  1. In the file, go to  'XMLdefinition' tag, inside that you can see 'ViewFields' section where all the fields added in step 1 are available.
  1. For all the read only fields, you add ReadOnly="TRUE" attribute in the corresponding FieldRef tag.
  1. So, a Field ref tag for a read only field would be as
      <FieldRef Name="Product" ReadOnly="TRUE"/> 
  2. Now save the file and open it in browser.
  3. Once you go to Quick Edit, you can see the read only columns are disabled.

I tested this in Sharepoint 2013 and all other functionalities like filters / sorting on read only fields work as is.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Read & Update Display Names of List Columns through Javascript in Sharepoint

We can Read Columns (Internal Name, Display Name / Title, Type etc) & also Update Columns (Display Name / Title) of a List in Sharepoint ( 2010 & above ) using Client Object Model.

Below is the sample code in javascript to read Columns for a List.
 function retrieveAllFieldsOfList(listName) {  
   var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();  
      var web = ctx.get_web();  
      var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle(listName);  
      var fields = list.get_fields();  
      ctx.load(fields, 'Include(Title,InternalName)');  
      ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.Success), Function.createDelegate(this, this.Failure));  
 function Success()  
      var _fields = '';  
      var lEnum = fields.getEnumerator();  
           var internalName = lEnum.get_current().get_internalName();   
           var title = lEnum.get_current().get_title();  
           _fields = _fields + 'Internal Name:' +internalName+ ',Title:' +title+ ';';  
 function Failure(sender, args)  
      console.log("Failed" + args.get_message());  

Below is the Sample Code in javascript to Update Title / Display Name of a Field in a Sharepoint List
 function updateMonths(listName){  
      var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current();  
      var web = ctx.get_web();  
      var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle(listName);  
      //Below field section to be repeated for multiple field updates  
      var field = list.get_fields().getByInternalNameOrTitle('<Internal Name / Existing Title>');  
      field.set_title('<New Title>');  
      ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.Success), Function.createDelegate(this, this.Failure));  
 function Success()  
      console.log('Updated Successfully.');  
 function Failure(sender, args)  
      console.log("Failed" + args.get_message());  

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Set Current User as default value in People Picker Sharepoint

We can't directly set default values for People picker fields in Sharepoint. We can achieve it using SPServices.

Below is the sample code to set logged in user name as default value for a People picker field

 <script src="../../Style Library/scripts/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
 <script src="../../Style Library/scripts/jquery.SPServices-0.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
 <script type="text/javascript">  
   $( document ).ready(function() {  
        //To set logged in user name as default value in a people picker field with display name, "Requested by"  
           //People Picker Field Display Name  
           var fieldName = 'Requested By';  
           //Check if the field is empty. As, this script gets executed each time the page loads(Could be during validations)  
           if(($().SPFindPeoplePicker({peoplePickerDisplayName: fieldName}).currentValue).trim() == '')  
                //Get current Logged in User  
                var currentUser = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser({  
                                         fieldName: "Name",  
                                         debug: false  
                //Set logged in user name to the people picker   
                      peoplePickerDisplayName: fieldName,  
                     valueToSet: currentUser,  
                     checkNames: true  

Access this link to know more about the SPServices method 'SPFindPeoplePicker' used to set people picker

Don't forget to check if the field value is empty before you set, as the end user might have changed the name and when the user clicks on Submit, if there are any validation errors, page reloads and the script gets executed.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Salesforce Custom Labels

In Visualforce Pages / custom Components, we might need to display static content. Also, in many places we will be displaying custom messages on screen, could be alerts / notes / error messages. In all these cases we can directly write the content in corresponding place holders. But the disadvantage of it is, to update the text we need to open the corresponding Visualforce or controller pages and edit them. Also, it doesn't support in multilingual applications i.e. doesn't have translations and if a person from different location logs in, this text language will not be changed.

To overcome these problems, and also maintain all messages at one place, Salesforce has provided 'Custom Labels'.

You can define a custom label for any message and can directly access it through apex code in controller or Visualforce page. We can also translate this to the languages supported by Salesforce.

To access custom labels, Go To Setup —> Create —> Custom Labels. All existing custom labels are displayed. Click on New Custom Labels.

A form will be opened. Provide all the required information and save it.

 Now you can see the newly created custom label. Also, in the bottom of screen, Translations section is available. Here we can provide the label's translation of all other languages this salesforce application / organization supports
 Click on 'New' button available in Translations section. Another form is opened, provide the translation and also select the language.

Now the label is available for usage and also it supports multi languages. 
You can access it throughapex and also visualforce page.

To access through Visualforce page, use global variable '$Label'
              In above example, it would be '{!$Label.Test_Item}'

To access through apex in controller, use 'System.Label'
              In above example, it would be 'System.Label.Test_Item'

Based on logged in user's language , the label text is displayed in corresponding translation.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Link Data in PowerPoint to the Source (Database / Sharepoint)

It’s very common to have PowerPoint Presentations for High level Meetings.  We even have lots of data represented in these presentations in the form of Charts / Tables.  And, this would be a recurring process to update the presentations with updated data. This takes lots of manual efforts.

We can automate process of updating the presentations with latest data to a fair extent with available out of the box features. It requires minimal development efforts. 

On a high level, we first create Excel sheet with all the required data being fetched from different sources like Databases / Sharepoint using Data Connections. This would provide auto updating of data to Excels. Also, using the data we create different views, could be charts / Pivot tables or any other as per our representation need. After our excel sheet with different charts / tables is ready, we insert these into our Presentation by maintaining the links to the Excel we created. Linking would provide auto updating of data from excel to our Objects on PowerPoint, which is actually connected to main data source (database / Sharepoint list). 

With these efforts, we are done and now our Presentation is ready and also the data in it is up to date.  Isn’t it simple to implement and saves lots of our efforts, we spend in regular intervals to update the data on it?

Now let’s try to implement the same with a simple example to understand it better. 
Here our goal is to display Sharepoint data in our Monthly Dashboards which are actually PowerPoint Presentations.

Step 1: Prepare your data connections ready to bind to actual real time data (Sharepoint List here)
  • Open Sharepoint List which has our required data.
  • Create a view with required fields and also if there are any filters to be applied, you can do that here.
  • Now open the view we just created and in the ribbon, under ‘List’ tab, we have a button to ‘Export to Excel’.
  • Click on it. A web Query file (.iqy) is downloaded. Please save into your local machine. Let’s rename this file to ‘DashboardData.iqy’

Step 2: Create excel sheet with required representations (Charts / tables) using above created Connections
  • Open excel file and in ribbon, under data tab, Click on ‘Connections button’
  • A window with available connections to the workbook is opened. Click on ‘Add..>
  • Another child window opens with all available connection files in our local machine.
  • Click on ‘Browse for More’ button, a file browser window opens, now select the ‘DashboardData.iqy’ file we downloaded in step 1.
  • You can see the newly added connection listed in Workbook Connections window
  • With this connection you can create pivot table or Pivot charts. For example, under ‘Insert’ tab in Excel, click on ‘PivotChart’ available in ‘Tables’ section. A window to select data source is opened. Now select the above created connection.
  • Now a pivot table with data from Sharepoint list is available with all fields we added in the List view of Sharepoint
  • Create chart with required fields and save the Excel file
  • In similar way we can create multiple charts as per our need. We can also bind data to the sheet and using Conditional Formatting, we can represent cell values as per requirement.
  • After all the required charts / tables created , save the file

Step 3: Insert the tables / charts we created in excel to the PowerPoint presentations with links
  • Open existing PowerPoint presentation / new one and add all the required sections / content into it.
  • In the sections where we need to add the dynamic content i.e. charts / tables, we bring it form excel file.
  • As an example, copy the Pivot chart we created in excel and go to the powerpoint presentation we are working on
  • In ribbon, under ‘Home’ tab, we have ‘Paste Special’ button in ‘Clipboard’ section. Click on it
  • A window with option to paste as object and link feature is opened
  • Select ‘Paste link’ and click on Ok.
  • Now move the chart object to the required section and also adjust the size etc.
  • Similarly repeat the same step for all required objects
  • Save the Presentation File.
With these efforts, our presentation is ready with data linked to Actual data sources.

If you need the presentation with updated data, simply open the excel we created in step 2 and refresh all the data connections in it. All objects in the presentation will be automatically updated with latest data.

To refresh the connections, open excel file and under ‘data’ tab, we have ‘Refresh all’ button. Click on it. We can also automate this using some macros.

Now it’s your turn to automate the Presentations you update regularly!! 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sharepoint, Hide List or library in Site Content Pages

While developing applications on Sharepoint, there might be a requirement to create some lists for Internal use and they have to be hidden from end users in Web front end i.e. in View All Site content screens etc.

To achieve this functionality, we need Sharepoint designer. Before implementing it, we need to hide the list from left navigation. To do this, go to 'List settings' and  'Title description and navigation' and select 'No' for 'Display this list on the Quick Launch?', then click Save.  

  • Now open the site in Sharepoint Designer 
  • In left navigation click on 'Lists and Libraries'
  • All lists in the existing site are displayed along with Document libraries
  • Now click on the Library / List which you want to hide
  • A screen with the corresponding List settings is opened
  • In Settings section , available to left , Under 'General Settings' category, an option 'Hide from Browser' is available. 
  • Select it and save the page.

With above changes the list is hidden in All site content Page and other site pages.
By doing this, we are just not listing it along with other Lists, still you can access the list if you have its corresponding web link.

You also need to note that due to this change, it will also be hidden in Designer under 'Lists and Libraries' navigation block.
To access it in designer / to list it back, follow below steps.
  • Open Site in Designer
  • Click on 'All Files' in left navigation.
  • Now click on 'Lists'
  • Here you can see the hidden Lists too.
  • If its library, it will be listed when we click on 'All files'
  •  Now right click on the hidden list and go to 'Properties'
  • Now the screen with List details and Settings is opened, same as earlier
  • Here uncheck the option 'Hide from Browser' and save
  • Now it would be available in All content and also in designer

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sharepoint Workflow running on Old Version after publishing

Observed a weird behavior in Sharepoint Designer workflows. We have Workflows designed on designer and being used in our application. There are multiple versions on it as we added new features time to time. Recently we added some more features and published to latest version. It updated to server and could see latest version in Workflows section of the corresponding List in website.

But, when we run the workflow, we observed that its of too old version, many latest features were missing.

After doing some online research, we realized that the problem is due to cache of workflow activities in the local machine where we implemented them using Designer.

Sometimes, SPD might be using the old DLL fro mthe cache than the updated one and thus we see old version running. To correct this issue, we need to clear the Cache and run the Designer and republish the workflow. And also, its better to disable option to cache site data in designer, to avoid similar problems in future. To do this, follow below steps.

  • If Sharepoint Designer is open, close it
  • Open My Computer and enter '%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache' in address bar
  • Delete files and other folders in this location
  • Now go to this location '%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache' and delete all fiels and folders
This would solve the issue and now if you re publish the workflow, it would work fine.

To disable Site Data caching, follow below steps

  • Navigate to the "File" menu then select "Options" -> "General" -> "Application Options"
  • On the “General” tab, under the “General” heading, uncheck “Cache site data across SharePoint Designer sessions” 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Configure Redirect URLs after Record Saved in Salesforce

In general, after a record is saved in Salesforce, it will redirect to Detail Screen or list of records of its corresponding Object.

There are many cases where we want to override this functionality. For example, after a new Account created, we want user to create Tasks to it, so once the New Account is saved, page should redirect to New Task screen with Current Account ID details.

To accomplish this, we in general need to create a Custom New Form for Account and in that form, we override default save action and once default save action is accomplished, we redirect using PageReference

We also save one more easy way to accomplish this on default forms, adding details through URL parameters.

By default, Salesforce provided 3 URL parameters,  'retURL', 'saveURL', 'cancelURL'.

We can make use of these parameters to redirect the screen after default button actions.

lets understand with below simple example.

The above URL is actually a new form for a custom object.

But we also provided other parameters along with URL.

saveURL=/apex/google, this parameter is used for redirection after the record saved. So, once a record is saved, it redirected to a custom page 'google', also the newly created record Id is sent as a parameter by default.

cancelURL=/apex/yahoo, this parameter is used for redirection if user clicked on default Cancel button . This redirects to a custom page 'yahoo' if user cancelled the form.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mathematical Operations & Number formatting in Visualforce Page

In a Visualforce page, if we want to do some basic mathematical Operations and display on the screen, eg: display percentage along with the existing value in a Table, we can use apex:outputtext

Sample code to implement it is as below, here we are displaying it in a PageBlockTable, display marks for each subject in one column and  Percentage (Calculated) for each subject in another column

 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!score}" var="item">  
      <apex:column value="{!item.subject}"/>   
      <apex:column value="{!item.marks}" dir="RTL">  
           <apex:facet name="footer" >  
      <apex:column >  
           <apex:outputText value="{!(item.marks / total) * 100}%" />  

In above example, we already have a variable 'total' with sum of marks of all subjects.

In some scenarios, we  might need to format the text when we display on screen like, Currency notation / Date in a specific format etc.. apex:outputtext also has this functionality.

Sample code to implement it is as below, here we send input to outputtext as params, which are used with number notations {0} as in C, C++

 <apex:outputText value="{0, number, 000,000.00}$">  
   <apex:param value="{!AnnualRevenue}" />  
  <apex:outputText value="The formatted time right now is:   
       {0,date,yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z}">  
   <apex:param value="{!NOW()}" />  

Monday, February 23, 2015

Display Images based on field value in Salesforce

It's very common requirement to display images for a specific field value in a record, as pictorial representation will be more conveying than text.

For example, to display Status of a record pictorially, lets have some rule as
  • If status Open - display Green image
  • If status Planning - display Amber image
  • If status Closed - display Red image

To implement this requirement in Salesforce, we have to store images in Salesforce , either in Documents or Static Resources and then, using Formula Field in the object, by comparing data of the actual field, we will set Image  relative path of the stored images

Lets do step by step as shown as below

Step 1 : Create images with the 3 colors as required and zip them.

Step 2: Add this zip file to the static resources and set the access of it as public
To do this , follow below steps
  1.  Login to salesforce environment and Go to Setup
  2. Under Build, select 'Develop' and then 'Static Resources
  3. Click on New and fill in the required information by uploading the Zipped file
  4. select Cache Control 'Public' and save

Step 3: Open the Object in which we need to set the images and create a Choice field to select Status and then a new Formula field to set image according to the data of the created Choice Field
To do this, follow below steps
  1. Go to Setup
  2. Under Build, Select 'Create' and then 'Objects'
  3. List of all objects displayed. Click the object in which we need to create these fields
  4. Go to Custom Fields section and click 'New'
  5. Choose 'Picklist' for Data type and provide required information as below

  6. Save it and then in similar way click on 'New' in Custom Fields section and for Data type, choose 'Formula'
  7. Provide Field name and label, then select Return type as 'Text'
  8. Now, under 'Advanced Formula' section, write formula as below
     IMAGE(CASE( Status__c ,  
     'Open', '/resource/status/green.png',  
     'Closed', '/resource/status/red.png',  
     'Planning', '/resource/status/yellow.png',  
     ''), "rating")  

  9. And, for Blank Field Handling, select Treat blank fields as blanks'
  10. Provide the required access and also add it into the layouts

Step 4: Now, add this formula field in detail screen layout and also View if required.
Once you add it into the layout, you can see the same in detailed screen of a record. Also, if you add these fields in a View, it will be displayed as in below image

Friday, February 20, 2015

Create a List from Custom Template using Powershell in Sharepoint

Lets consider a situation where we have lots of team sites under a Site collection. Now a new requirement has come and we want to store Team Updates in their corresponding sites.

To do this, creating the custom list with required fields in every list is a long time process. If we create a list in one site and save it as template, we can create New list using this template in other sites. Still manually opening all sites and creating a new list will take long time.

This creation part can be achieved using Powershell. For this, lets assume we created a list and saved it as template. This template will be available in site collection. We can also import List template to Site Collection gallery from external.

Now, open the server and use below Powershell commands in Sharepoint Management Studio

 //Get Site collection through SPSite command  
 $spSite = get-spsite("http://Site Collection URL")  

 //Get current website into which new template to be added  
 $SPWeb = Get-SPWeb("http://Site URL") 
 //Get list of all custom templates existing in the site collection  
 $listTemplates = $spsite.GetCustomListTemplates($spweb)  

 //Create list using the above templates, by selecting the custom template you are looking for  
 $SPWeb.Lists.Add("Title of List","Description",$listTemplates["Template Name"])

Above example is shown for a single site. We can loop the command for list of sites by storing them into an array or if for all subsites, we can fetch them through command and loop.

As our List template is custom one, we need to follow above steps. If we want to create list from sharepoint's default templates, we can use below commands

 //Get current website into which new template to be added  
 $SPWeb = Get-SPSite("http://SiteURL")  

 //Get list of all templates. Its just for your reference to see list  
 $SPWeb.ListTemplates | Select Name, type, type_client, Description  

 //Create list using the template name. The template name should be in above list  
 $SPWeb.Lists.Add("Title","Description","Template Name")  

You can also save an existing list as a template using below commands

 //Get current website in which the list is created  
 $SPWeb = Get-SPSite("http://SiteURL")  

 //Get the list by using list name which to be saved as template  
 $list = $web.Lists["List Name"]  

 //Use below command to save it as template.   
 //Lat parameter ( 1 / 0 ) indicates if to be stored with data or without data  
 $list.SaveAsTemplate(“Template Name”,”Template Title”,”Template Description”,1)  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Calculated Column & Caclulated value in Sharepoint 2010

We have Calculated columns in Sharepoint. The data in these columns can be set based on other column Information. These columns will not be displayed in New / Edit forms as the data in these columns and are calculated internally according to the formula provided by us, before saving the record in database.

You can see simple example in below image, where we are fetching Request Created Day based on created date field.

Use this link to know more about the formulas for calculated columns.

One important point to remember about these columns is, The calculation of the value is done only when an Item created and updated. So, we can't use general functions like 'Today' , 'Me' in the formula.

We can also set Calculated value for Default value to a column. If there are any requirements where default value is to be calculated, we use this.

As an example, if we want to set default value for a title in Status list with Date in it as "Status as on [Date]", we can use below formula in Default value by selecting 'Calculated Value'

 ="Status as on "&TEXT(Today,"dd/mm/yyyy")

Important point to remember here is, We can't use other columns in these formulas as these are calculated before the Edit / New screen loaded and by then we don't have data in other columns.

We can use generic formula like 'Today' or 'Me' and the value set with corresponding data when the screen loaded.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Restrict Record level Access in Salesforce

There are different approaches available to restrict access at different levels in Salesforce.

In this article we look into options available to restrict record level access in a object.

To restrict access at a record level, first we need to configure Organization-Wide Default (OWD) sharing of the object to 'Private'. This configuration once set, all the records will be private. Other users can't access them. Now, we open access using variety of means, like roles, groups, profiles ,sharing rules and manual sharing.

To configure OWD sharing, follow below steps.
  1. From Setup, click Security Controls > Sharing Settings.
  2. Under Organization Wide-Defaults, click Edit.
  3. Change the picklist next to the 'Custom object' to Private.
  4. Click Save

The check box is 'Grant Access Hierarchy'. If checked, access to a record will be provided to the Owner's top level hierarchy as per roles defined in the Organization.

Let us assume we already have some Roles and Profiles created as per our Org structure.

Now, to assign access to the records, we use 'Sharing Rules'. These are rules we define to provide access to record based on some criteria of data / owner.

We can provide access to a  Role. In some cases, we might need to provide access to multiple people of different Roles and Profiles. In such cases, we can create a User groups and provide access to the group through these rules.

To create a Sharing Rule, follow below steps,

  1. From Setup, click Security Controls > Sharing Settings.
  2. Under 'Custom Object' Sharing Rules, click New.
  3. In the Label field, Rule Nmae, provide relevant name.
  4. For Rule Type, select Based on Criteria.
  5. In Criteria, choose the criteria you are looking for, as a sample selecting the following values:
    • For Field, choose City.
    • For Operator, choose equal to.
    • For the Value type, enter 'Hyderabad'.
  6. For Share With, we have different options i.e. Roles / Groups. Choose Roles and Subordinates and select Warehouse Manager from the picklist.
  7. For Access Level, choose Read/Write.
 Once the rule is saved, a job will be executed to run the rule on the object we created. So, each time you update the rule, it is executed.

Internally, for every object we have 'object__Share' table with corresponding apex modal object. When a Sharing rule is executed, if the criteria is met on a record, corresponding access entries are entered into this table.

Irrespective of rules / criteria if we want to provide access on a record, we can provide through Manual sharing,  by using default 'Sharing' option available on detailed screen

To implement Manual Sharing, follow below steps
  1. Click on the record for which we want to add i.e. open detailed screen
  2. Click on 'Sharing' button available along with other default action buttons
  3. A list with available accesses for the record are displayed. click on 'Add'
  4. A screen to choose User / Role / Group is displayed. 
  5. Select the corresponding people / group to whom we need to provide access and click on Save

In this way we  can restrict access to a Record.

If we need to provide access to a record dynamically based  on a criteria where value and access mappings are dynamic, we can implement the above 'Manual Sharing' option using Apex.

We can create a Custom object to map criteria and corresponding access details. Now, using a trigger on our Object, upon insert or update, we validate the criteria and if true, add record to the 'Object__Share' table through Apex with corresponding details.

 if(/* Condition to validate */)  
         //If true,   
         TF_Location__Share jobShr = new TF_Location__Share();  
         // Set the ID of record being shared.  
         jobShr.ParentId =;  
         // Set the ID of user or group being granted access.  
         jobShr.UserOrGroupId = '005j000000BYezb';  
         // Set the access level.  
         jobShr.AccessLevel = 'Read';  
         // Set rowCause to 'manual' for manual sharing.  
         // This line can be omitted as 'manual' is the default value for sharing objects.  
         jobShr.RowCause = Schema.TF_Location__Share.RowCause.Manual;  
         // Insert the sharing record and capture the save result.   
         // The false parameter allows for partial processing if multiple records passed into the operation.  
        Database.SaveResult sr = Database.insert(jobShr,false);  
        // Process the save results.  
            // Indicates success  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Custom Timer job in Sharepoint 2010 using Visual Studio

Sharepoint provided a platform to develop timer jobs and deploy in its environment. We can monitor the jobs in central admin along with other jobs. Scheduler configuration is also possible through central admin.

To manage timer jobs, acces to Central Administrator > Monitoring > Review Job definitions
And to monitor job executions, Central Administrator > Monitoring > Check Job Status

Let’s create a sample Timer job and deploy it for better understanding.

Requirement: We have project sites for each project where their health statuses etc. are maintained in predefined template lists.  Now, customers need a dashboard to look into the project status at one place along with individual sites’ links.

Approach: For this, we are creating a list with required details in parent site and we develop a Timer Job to which runs at certain interval and updates the statuses of all sites into this list and a dashboard is created using this list.

Step 1: Create ‘Project Statistics’ list in Site collection / Parent site and ‘Project Details’ in child site (Individual project sites)

Step 2: Now we need to create a Timer job. To do this, follow below steps
  1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project using  ‘Empty Sharepoint Project’ Template

  2. If Sharepoint has single Server, provide the web application where it has to be deployed and don’t forget to select ‘Deploy as a Farm Solution’ and then click on ‘Finish'

    Note: If site url is not provided, we can package it and deploy the WSP solution using Powershell.
  3. Now, create a new class file in visual studio and extend the class from ‘SPJobDefinition’. Use below code as sample reference
         public StatusUpdateTimerJob()  
           : base()  
         public StatusUpdateTimerJob(string jobName, SPService service,  
             SPServer server, SPJobLockType lockType)  
             : base(jobName, service, server, lockType)  
           this.Title = "Project Status Update Timer Job";  
         public StatusUpdateTimerJob(string jobName, SPWebApplication webapp)  
           : base(jobName, webapp, null, SPJobLockType.ContentDatabase)  
           this.Title = "Project Status Update Timer Job";  
         public override void Execute(Guid targetInstanceId)  
           //Write your logic to delete existing records from main list (Project Statistics) in parent site and then  
           //Iterate through all child sites and insert new records to above list from 'Project Details' list  
    Above code has 3 overloaded constructors which will be called internally as per need and write your logic in Execute method
  4. Now we create a feature to install and uninstall the Job. To do this, right click on ‘Features’ in solution explorer or Visual studio and click ‘Add Feature’

    Provide Feature Title and Description , this will be displayed in Features list of a site collection and select scope to ‘Site’

    In the event Receiver class of the above created feature, replace the code with below
     const string JobName = "ProjectStatus Update Timer Job";  
     public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)  
          SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;  
          DeleteJob(site); // Delete Job if already Exists  
          CreateJob(site); // Create new Job  
     private static void DeleteJob(SPSite site)  
          foreach (SPJobDefinition job in site.WebApplication.JobDefinitions)  
               if (job.Name == JobName)  
     private static void CreateJob(SPSite site)  
          StatusUpdateTimerJob job = new StatusUpdateTimerJob(JobName, site.WebApplication);  
          SPMinuteSchedule schedule = new SPMinuteSchedule();  
          schedule.BeginSecond = 0;  
          schedule.EndSecond = 5;  
          schedule.Interval = 5;  
          job.Schedule = schedule;  
     public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)  
          DeleteJob(properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite); // Delete the Job  

    The above methods are to Create Job and Delete job which are called when feature activated and deactivated accordingly.
  5. Now are ready with our Timer job and we have to deploy it in the server. We can deploy it directly from Visual studio using ‘deploy’ Option in ‘debug ‘ or by packaging and installing the Solution
    To install Solution, use below Powershell commands
     Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath c:\SampleTImerjob.wsp  
     Install-SPSolution -Identity SampleTImerjob.wsp -GACDeployment  
     enable-spfeature -identity SampleTImerjob _Feature1 -url ‘Site collection URL’  
    We deployed it in GAC, as it’s a Timer job and should be accessed globally.

    Note: 1st 2 commands should be executed in one window and the last one should be in a new window as the dll is deployed in GAC, it will not reflect for the powershell window if we try to enable in same window
Step 3: Using above commands, we even activated the feature. So, the job will be created and it is scheduled. You can see it in ‘Central Admin’ as explained in the starting

We can also reconfigure the schedule by clicking on the title.

With this we implemented our requirement and for every 2 minutes, statuses for all project sites are updated in parent site and the dashboard is prepared on top of the list.

One important point to not to forget is, if we are modifying the Timer job, we have to update the Assembly version number. If not, the changes might not reflect properly

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Word Document Creation Dynamically in Sharepoint 2010

Though I have been working on SharePoint from past 4+ years, I didn't notice this awesome feature, We can create / update word documents dynamically in SharePoint. This is a very useful feature which will be helpful in creation of standard word documents like Approval forms / Employee Offer letters etc. It just takes few minutes to setup.

Lets try to create one sample form (Employee Offer Letter) using this feature.

I'm implementing this example in Sharepoint 2010. We need Design rights on SharePoint site and also Sharepoint Designer, MS Word  are needed for this example.

 Step 1: Create a Document library to generate and store the Offer letter documents in the  site. Create the columns that are dynamically need to be updated in the document, eg: Name, salary etc. The columns in Library acts as properties for a document, which can be added directly in the word document. In this example I added 4 such fields
      1. Employee Name
      2. Salary
      3. Designation
      4. Proposed Joining Date

 Step 2: For every Document library we will have a default file template for that library. This can be word document too. To edit it, go to Settings > Advanced Settings . Document template will be available, click on 'Edit Template'. This opens up MS Word with the standard template file (.dotx)

 Step 3: Now, writeup the standard content that to be there in the Offer letter and in the places where data to be filled dynamically i.e. Employee name, salary etc. insert the Document Properties that we created in above steps. To add a document property, Select 'Insert' in word ribbon and Go to Quick Parts > Document Properties. All the above created columns are displayed along with default ones. Select corresponding property.

Step 4: Once added , click on Save as and change the format from '.dotx' to '.docx' ( this step is needed to automate document generation, we can't update a '.dotx' from back-end.) Now the document looks as in below screen.

With above step, we are ready with document library and if we create a new document in this library, it will automatically fill in all the corresponding placeholders and our document is ready.

Step 5: Now, create a document to test it. If you click on 'New Document' in the document library, a word document with previously created template opens. Also, a form with all the new fields we created will be displayed on top.

Step 6: If we fill-in the corresponding details,  the place holders will be automatically updated and once you save it, a new document with these details is created in the document library. A sample document will appear as in below screen after filling all details.

To, create this document dynamically, we need to create new item through back end in the library, by filling all the properties we created. This can be achieved in multiple ways. 

I created a list with same details and using a workflow on the list, when a new list item created,  it will create a new item in the document library by filling all corresponding properties in library.

To do this, follow below steps. 

Step 7: Create a Sharepoint list with the same columns we created for library.

Step 8: Open Sharepoint designer and Go to the list we created and click on New workflow. Fill in the Workflow Name, description

Step 9: Select action 'Create List Item' from Actions tab in ribbon

Step 10: Click on 'this list' and choose the document library we created.

Step 11: Using 'Add' option, choose each column and fill it with the current item corresponding column data. Also, modify default field 'Path and Name' with the convention you prefer.

Step 12: Once all the fields are mapped. Save the workflow. And, select the option to 'Start workflow automatically when item created' and publish it. I also added another step to send email with the newly created document link.

With these steps we completed our configuration / development process for the functionality.

To test it, create a new item in the list with  all the details. Then, open our document library to see the newly created document with the details.

This feature not only automates document creation, but also helps us in logging the details in online system which will be helpful for future references / audit purposes.